Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SP Day 38

The gift of time. My sweet boy, even after taking 2 hour nap today was obviously exhausted during dinner time at mom's house this evening. I was seriously considering putting him to bed early tonight after a bath. Well, he fell asleep in the car on the way home. So, I took him to his room and thought that I would attempt to change his diaper and put his pj's on him and if he woke up I'd give him a bath. He never so much as blinked an eye. He even snored during part of it. So, my kiddo was in bed at 6:30 and now I have an extra hour and a half of William free time to get some things done around here.

On a side note, I'm a little bummed though that I didn't get to hang out with him much tonight.

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