Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Broken record

Scene: My Jeep on the way home tonight.

WB: Momma, wook. (sticking his tongue out)
Me: EEW! (while sitting at traffic light)
WB: Momma, wook.
Me: EEW!
WB: Giggle
Yilliam stick tongue out momma.
Momma, wook.
Me: EEW!
WB: giggle
Yilliam stick tongue out momma.
Momma, wook.
Me: I can't William. I have to drive now. I have to watch what I'm going.
WB: Momma, wook.
Me: I can't William. I have to drive now. I have to watch what I'm doing.
WB: Momma, watch out.
Me: I'm watching.
WB: Momma, watch out other cars.
Me: I'm watching William.
WB: Momma, watch out.
(repeat ad nauseam)

Two year olds are so much fun.


Anonymous said...

haha- Very cute. He is growing so fast.

~the ten of us~ said...

Where ... oh ... where have you gone?????