Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SP Day 84

Caught being good!

Yup. I (really I swear) was caught being good at work. We have a little bucket in the teacher's lounge and any time you catch one of your co-workers going above and beyond or doing something you think is awesome you write a little note on a slip of paper and put it in the bucket. Every once in a while the admin draws out a few teachers names and those teachers are rewarded with a free half day off.

My name got drawn this time around! I had 4 slips put in the bucket about me. Getting to read the slips and see that others appreciate the things you do really is an awesome reward all in itself.

I think I'm going to spend my half day clothes shopping before I go to San Antonio next month for a music educator's convention.


~the ten of us~ said...

What a very good idea!! I bet you do lots of nice things above and beyond and how great that someone noticed!! Keep up the good work, I betcha your kiddos at school notice it all.

snarflemarfle said...

Congrats! What a nice thing to do for the teachers!

Have fun shopping. Gotta love TMEA!!

(I'm laughing because my word verification is "partai")

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's Awesome! Congratulations! Enjoy you day off!