Sunday, December 14, 2008

SP Day 62

Well, tomorrow will be 90 days on the job for Ben. He will be eligible for benefits and should get a raise. This is GREAT news. We'll save a big chunk of change not having to pay for his private health insurance. That plus the raise means paying off more debt. The more debt we get paid off the sooner he can begin looking for a new job. ALL of these are wonderful things.

Also, it looks like the higher ups at his job are really cracking down on people and raising their expectations of their drivers a bit. People it seems are getting fired right and left which means Ben is just moving further and further up the ladder. The more this happens, the closer he gets to being moved to day shift. I CAN NOT WAIT for him to be on days.

He still won't have weekends off and he'll still only get to see William about an hour a day on the days that he works. BUT, he'll keep William on his days off and they'll get to spend entire days together which will be AWESOME. And, I get to have my husband back in my bed at night. I can't tell you how much I'm hating colder weather with out my human heater lying next to me.

So, as much as I still hate his job, at least, things are looking up.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you found several positive things today. I agree with you on all of them.

~the ten of us~ said...

More money is always a good thing :o)

snarflemarfle said...

Awesome! Glad things are looking up!!