Tuesday, December 2, 2008

SP Day 50

I am, believe it or not, looking forward to this year's Christmas program. (Just in case you're reading this and don't know already, I teach elementary music to 300+ children in grades K-5.) Normally, the closer these programs get, the more I dread them, the longer my t0-do list gets and the higher my anxiety level goes. However, after 10 years of doing this I was finally smart enough to ask for parent help and delegate tasks.

So, all I have to do is make sure the kids are ready to go. Since the last two days of rehearsal have gone really well, I'm getting excited about seeing them perform and watching them do a great job. I'm actually afraid I'm going to jinx myself. I've never had a program go horribly wrong but I've always been so worried that they would. If I relax, and don't get all stresses, I'm afraid I'll let my guard down and something will go horribly wrong.

The only major tasks left for me are next Tuesday and Thursday. I'm loading all 300 of my little darlings up on school buses and carting them over to the High School where our program will take place for dress rehearsal. No matter how much I think I've got my ducks in a row, the classroom teachers are always happy to tell me how I could do it better. While it's always offered in the sweetest of spirits, I always cringe knowing that I've put countless hours of work and tons of thought in executing this and now they think they have a better way to do it. However, I must admit, on several occasions, they have been right and I've taken their advice and things have gone better because of it.

So, I say all of that to say, I think the "All-American Christmas" program is going to go great and I'm anxious to see it all come together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it will go great. I can't wait to hear about it.