Monday, December 29, 2008

SP Day 73

While today was yet another challenging day of terrible twos. It ended with the poor boy having one of his mysterious, sudden, serious diaper rashes. I've never figured out what causes them but they're terrible.

We went over to my folks house this morning and I helped mom work on the 30 or so chair covers she's sewing for my niece's wedding. While mom and I worked on those dad took William outside and they worked on a few things together. It was a great thing for everyone. Dad got to spend some time with his buddy. I was able to help mom get quite a few of her chair covers sewn. William got to be outside (his favorite place to be) with his PawPaw (one of his favorite people to be with) and I got to get away from him long enough to recharge my patience meter and make it through the rest of the day with out completely losing my mind.

Tomorrow is the rehearsal for my niece's wedding. Please pray that William and Kaden can share a wagon nicely and that things to smoothly.

1 comment:

snarflemarfle said...

I know you're a smart lady, but X would get these crazy, really serious looking rashes (they would even start oozing!). Turns out that its because he has super-acidic poop so we have to change his diaper pretty quickly after he dirties it. Otherwise its a rash from Hades.

And Aquaphor (or the store brand equivalent) will clear his up in a snap!