I can't believe my kiddo is 2 today. He is such an awesome little person. He's super independent. Just this week he finally figured out how to operate a spoon and a fork and now can feed himself. He wants to dress himself, buckle himself in, and do just about everything else you can think of BY HIMSELF!
While this can be a bit frustrating when mommy is time crunched, I take every opportunity I can to slow down, be patient and let him do things on his own. He's always so happy when he does.
His favorite foods right now are hot dogs, german sausage, corn, green beans, fries, fried okra, and jelly biscuits. He loves his milk, but knows what "coke" is and tries to sneak a sip every time he can. He's a very picky eater and if he decides he's not going to eat, meal time can be quite a dramatic event. However, when he hits on something he likes he'll eat that one thing until he's full. Tonight it as 5 mini hot dogs.
His imagination is blooming and it's so fun watching him begin to "pretend". I love it. One of his favorite play things are animals. Cats, dogs, cows, horses, he doesn't care. He loves to boss them all around. Sit! Stay! Back! No, no, no, no! He's really good at doing puzzles and loves them. His favorite thing in the whole world right now is tractors. Anything yellow and green is a big hit at our house.
He's also figured out that he loves to watch TV. I'm not crazy about this, but seeing as how most evenings, it's just he and I, this little tid bit comes in handy. His favorite movie is "Cars". He knows the names of every character and can (in his own way) tell you what is about to happen in the movie. This movie is where he first discovered that he likes tractors. His other favorite movies include "Ratatouille", "Aristocats", "Jungle Book", "Bambi", and "Elmo's Potty Time".
Speaking of potty time, we've tried some potty training but nothing serious. He's gone "#2" in the potty a few times and gone "#1" only once. He's such a smart kid, I just feel like if I leave the potty where he can get to it, and showed him what it's for and how to use it, I think it's something he'll end up doing when he's ready and there's not much I can do to hurry the process along. I may change my mind when he's 5 and I'm taking him to kindergarten in his diapers.
I know I've already said it once but he is such a smart kid. When he gets or finds something new, he'll sit and mess with it for as long as it takes him to figure out how it works. He's very mechanically minded. The thing he wants so badly to master right now are buttons.
He's a very loving little boy. (When he's not throwing a 2 year old temper tantrum!) He adores his daddy and just beams every time he sees him. My mom, who he has begun to call Maw-Maw is hands down his favorite person. He is completely fascinated by my dad, his Paw Paw. He follows paw-paw everywhere he goes and watches everything he does. He warmed up very quickly to Ben's parents tonight. Sadly, he doesn't see them very often, but it didn't take long before he recognized that "grandparent" vibe and he was ready to be spoiled. He actually cried when they left.
I could ramble on about him all night but let's just say, I love this litttle guy so much and I'm so glad that I have him. I can imagine my life with out him, I just don't want to. He is such a blessing.
Happy Birthday William!
Happy Birthday William! I can't believe it has already been two years!!
William will continue to be great fun!! The terrific two's are some of the best years :o)
I bet him and Billy would be best buds if closer. They are interested in many of the same things. Especially 'Cars'.... all time best movie. His favorite part is 'tractor tipping', he sits up in anticipation, yells in delight and then runs over with the remote to have it replayed. That and the song 'life is a highway' ....
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