Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SP Day 11

I am one of those people who has a real problem asking for help even when I really need it. I've always had the attitude that "well, I'm fat, so I must also be lazy". Right? Well, maybe not, but that's always been how I've felt. So, I work really hard to compensate for my own perception of laziness by trying to do EVERYTHING!

By EVERYTHING I mean, be a great teacher, be a model employee, be the best mom I can possibly be, be a good wife, take great care of my husband and my son, be sure my parents are okay, keep my house in decent shape, etc. etc. etc. Needless to say, occasionally I completely over load myself.

Well, I came to the conclusion today that I was so overloaded, there was no way it was all going to get done. In the next 4 days I've got family pictures, a much anticipated visit from my in-laws, a Dr. appointment for William, a birthday party for William, 8 fall festival donations to pick up from various places around town, fall festival at my school, and my niece's bridal shower which I am helping to host. All of that in addition to the normal responsibilities of work, home and family. When it dawned on me today that there was no POSSIBLE way I could get all of this done and remain sane I actually broke down and asked for help!

There were some things I couldn't eliminate from my schedule and most of it I didn't want to eliminate like birthday parties and family visits so I had to figure out what could I live with letting go. So, one of the ladies I work with is going to go pick up all of my fall festival donations for me. HOORAY! While there's still a lot to be done, I'm just proud of myself for letting go of my need to do it all and be everything to everyone just this once.


~the ten of us~ said...

Yeah!!! For a mom that is a great accomplishment. We do set such high expectations of ourselves and have an extremely hard time asking for help. I have a hard time accepting it when offered even if I didn't ask. Strange how that works!!!!

Good job!!! You will be glad you did ... Love popping over here to see what positive you found for each day.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I know it's hard to get everything you want done all the time. Actually it's impossible! :-) Way to go!