Monday, October 13, 2008

SP Day 2

It's Monday. While generally not a positive thing, today, it is. No kiddos at school today, in service instead. Non-classroom teachers (such as myself) and instructional aides had first aid and cpr training. This is a great thing to have. Not to mention we worked from 8- 3:30 while classroom teachers had to work from 11am -6pm having parent conferences. We got a 2 hour lunch, they got 30 minutes. So, I got to go to lunch with my co-workers and feel like a big grown up.

Usually, we non-classroom types get the short end of the stick and today it was the other way around. What a great day to spend a Monday!

Now, after I conquer my painfully slow internet connection, I'm gonna play some Sims2 which I LOVE!

1 comment:

~the ten of us~ said...

I love this new idea!!! In the midst of trials it can certainly be difficult to find the shiny things. Although as in all things practice makes perfect (or at least easier :o)

Am excited you are back in the blogging sphere... can't wait to see tons of William pictures and hear all the great things going on in your neck of the woods.

Wondered if school was out today? Not sure the schools here were.

Praying tomorrow will be a day so full of bright spots for you, that you won't even know where to begin!!!