Saturday, October 25, 2008

SP Day 14

Today definitely had it's ups and downs. The biggest down being that I had to leave before Ben got up to drop William off at mom and dad's before heading out for the fall festival at my school. Another big downer for me was that today was my college homecoming and my 10 year reunion. Because of the fall festival and everything else going on this weekend I couldn't make it.

But, downers aside, the bigger portion of my day was awesome. William was such a good boy today. He spent most of his day sitting here in the living room playing with all of his new toys. He got a Little People barn and a Little People tractor and trailer, and a Little People Nativity. He had SOO much fun playing with his Little People today. The only fit he had all day was when we'd been outside playing and he had to come inside. A one-fit-day is almost unheard of in this house. I had tons of fun with him today. He had me laughing most of the day and kept me laughing right up until the moment he fell asleep in the car on the ride home. He kept asking me "Sharon's house?" (Because that's where we had his party last night.) And I kept telling him "No, William's house." And he would just repeat himself in a louder/higher pitched voice "Sharon's house?" (Which comes out Sha-sh H-ow-se.) I would just laugh and repeat myself. We were both cracking up.

Just being William's mommy was the very best part of my day today.

1 comment:

~the ten of us~ said...

We love little people!!!
They really are interested in the same stuff... our livingroom frequently turns in to 'little people land' :o)