Monday, October 20, 2008

SP Day 9

Tonight my 4th and 5th graders sang in a concert with the High School choir. It was awesome! If you ask me my kiddos sounded AWESOME even standing beside high school kids. I was really, really proud of them.

My folks brought my son and dinner to my house so I didn't have to drive out to their house to get him and so Ben could see him for a few minutes before he left for work. It was so sweet of them. My mom worries about me (and I worry about her) and it's crazy how much she still takes care of her 33 year old daughter. She's worried about me wearing myself out with my new schedule so she does soooo much to help me. I don't know how I'd make it with out her. She even did the dishes while she was here! She rocks.

I got to visit with one of my very best friends tonight after the concert. Between her 3 kids and my crazy life we never get to talk to each other. (Even though she keeps William for me on a semi-regular basis.) It was great to get to chat with her. We have so much in common and feel the same way about so many things it's just awesome to be able to talk to someone who you know won't judge you and when they say they love you and they're sorry that things are sucking and they worry about you, you know they aren't just SAYING it, that they really mean it.

So, even though I only got to see my kiddo for about 30 minutes total today, and I missed him, and miss him right now. There were still lots of positive things going on in my world today.


snarflemarfle said...

Aren't you glad your mommy takes such good care of you? I would have to agree that your mom rocks!

Glad the concert went well!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree: your mom rocks!!!
Some day, I know William will say his mom rocks.