Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SP Day 18

I'm sitting here in front of the keyboard staring blankly into space wondering, what am I going to post about today and frankly, I'm having a hard time coming up with something.

It would be very easy right now to burst into a list of things that aren't good. Unfortunately, that's where my mind is at right now.

But, since I pledged to come up with something positive for 365 days and I'm only on day 18 I know there must be something positive I can write about.

I'm positive doing something for myself would be good.I need two things right now (aside from a new job for my husband). A new hair cut and a good book. Any suggestions? Seriously, I need suggestions.

BTW. . . I did get around to doing some dishes tonight. Hauling the trash must get done before bed. However laundry and cleaning out the fridge must wait for another day.


Anonymous said...

Can't help you with a book recommendation, but I can tell you that I thought your hair looked great last week. However, I do understand that when you want a hair cut, you want one right then. Till then, count gorgeous hair as one of your things to be thankful for.

~the ten of us~ said...

what kind of books do you like?

right now i am reading 'Spiritual Junk Food: the Dumbing Down of Our Christian Youth'. It is very heavy (and I don't mean to lift ...) so not one I would recommend to relax in 'spare' time. We have just about every Christian Amish nonfiction novel there is ... almost. Nikki read a bunch over the summer and would probably have some good recommendations. Shelbi is reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. She said there is only one mention of a mockingbird, so don't read it to find out about the mockingbird. Kenna just finished a biography of 'Squanto', and Darbi read about 'Daniel in the Lions Den'. Billy is currently working on a book entitled 'Mickey Mouse and His Book of Trucks'.

So just point us in the general direction of what your interested in these days.

i will agree with aunt linda on the hair. i haven't seen it but she is always right :o)

snarflemarfle said...

I've read very good reviews about the Twilight series (Stephenie Meyer). It's vampire romance...

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. just let us know what types of books you like. Between Kristi's family and mine we read a lot and share a lot of books. Nikki got me reading Jodi Picoult. There was one book.. that I can't remember the name :-) that was really, really good. I think it was nineteen minutes? The subject was really intense but for some reason.. i just couldn't put it down. Take a look at Nik's blog. About a month or two ago she posted reviews on several books she read.

Anonymous said...

Oh... I just came up with a GREAT book. Have you read 'The Memory Keepers Daughter'? It was an AWESOME book. Kristi and Nikki really liked it too.
Highly recommend.

MJS said...

Thanks for all of the recommendations. It's hard to say what kind of books I like. I read just about anything. Historical fiction, Harry Potter, local authors, etc. I'll read anything that has a good story.

I'm going to see about hitting a bookstore this weekend.

Thanks for the hair compliments. I'm just really needing a change. Ya know? I need something to be excited about.