Sunday, October 12, 2008

Something Positive ~Day 1~

Today, amid lots of screaming and throwing fits (and we've got two weeks until we're officially in the "terrible twos"), William made me laugh.

He woke up from his nap just before lunch and I got him out of bed to change his diaper. I laid him down on the changing table and he starts complaining about "boo-grr-s" and wiping at his nose. So, I take a look and sure enough, big ole booger so I use my pinky finger and take care of the offending "boo-grr". I wiped it on to the baby wipe that I'd already gotten out to change his diaper and he about sends me to the floor laughing when he busts out and waves his little hand and says "Bye, bye boo-grr!"

While two year olds may be very challenging, they're darn funny. I think it's God's way of keeping us from killing them.

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