Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Beginnings

Yes, I've started a new blog. Why? Well, I'd have to say I was unsucessful as a blogger in the past and I felt the need to break away from the old and start all over again. So, here is my new attempt at blogging. I'm going to start big. I'm going to attempt a 365.

My family has faced some rather large challenges recently with an unwilling and unexpected job change for my husband. He went from an 8-5 M-F office job to driving a truck hauling salt water for natural gas wells in the Barnett shale. He works 6 days on, 2 days off and works from 6pm to 6am. This has been a huge change and a difficult adjustment for our family.

So, my goal is to do a 365 of something positive that happened every day for the next 365 days. Hubby says that he's only going to do this job for one year, so if I can find something positive about every single day for the next year, that ought to be long enough to get through this job and on to something else. Hopefully, something better.

I know it's ambitious but I'm going to give it a shot. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

snarflemarfle said...

Good luck! You can do it! Dontcha love it when your kid makes you laugh?

Off to add your new blog to my blog reader!